作家 岡﨑実央さんによる個展「プロレスリング」が開催されます。
Mio Okazaki “Pro-Wrestling”
プロレスはリングを中心に360度を観客が囲んでおり、席によって見え方が異なります。しかし、それぞれの席・視点に良さがあります。そこで、ピカソやブラックが発展させたキュビズム (様々な角度から見た対象の形を1つの画面に収める技法)を用いてプロレスを描きました。すると、多くの角度から見た美点を自由自在に表現できました。
March 31 Thu – April 4 Mon, 2022
Gallery opening hours
April 4 From 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
April 1, 2, 3 From 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
March 31 From 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
In pro-wrestling, the audience usually surrounds the ring on all sides.
While the view differs depending on your seat, each seat and viewpoint has its own merits. This is why she depicts watching pro-wrestling from different perspectives around the ring through Cubism; [the subject is depicted] a multitude of view points represents the subject in a greater context than a single picture. She was able to freely express the beauty seen from multiple angles at the same time.
We hope you can feel the charm of professional wrestling that cannot usually be conveyed by photos and videos.
Artist Profile
岡崎実央 | Mio Okazaki
Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/mio_okazaki
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mio_okazaki/
WEB : https://www.miookazaki.com
2019年 第83回企画展 ヴィジュアル・コミュニケーション・デザイン・スタディ@東京ミッドタウン・デザインハブ/東京
2020年 ステップオーバーアートブリーカー @The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo/東京
2021年 第1回 ARTIST NEW GATE 中島健太賞&リキテックス賞受賞
2021年 第1回 ARTIST NEW GATE 最終審査展@Gallery Seek/東京
2021年 芸術のチカラ-POWER&HEARING@東武百貨店池袋店/東京
2021年 ステップオーバーアートブリーカー2 @The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo/東京
Mio Okazaki was born 1995 in Sapporo, Japan. She graduated from the Department of Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Art and Design of Musashino Art University. She spent two years at the Editorial Department of Weekly Pro-Wrestling Magazine. She has created many works related to pro-wrestling. She is trying to depict pro-wrestling watching from each perspective around the ring through Cubism; [the subject is depicted] a multitude of view points to represent the subject in a greater context in one picture. In January 2021, She won the Kenta Nakajima Award and the Liquitex Company Award in the “ARTIST NEW GATE” art show race in Japan.
She currently studying English in Orlando, US, while working on new pieces for my series about wrestling.